Brymo fires back at Adekunle Gold after being advised to get help

Brymo, a Nigerian singer, has asked Adekunle Gold, a fellow singer, to leave him alone after the latter advised him to seek help and refrain from discussing his family.

The controversy began a few days ago when Brymo revealed that he declined a collaboration request from an artist

Furthermore, Brymo shared that he had considered a more intimate musical project with the female artist, but it didn’t materialize.

In response, Adekunle Gold, who is married to Simi, advised Brymo to stop disrespecting his family.

However, Brymo took to his social media page to assert that he never attempted to interfere with anyone’s marital relationship, adding that it seemed like everyone else was more concerned with their own affairs.

In his statement, Brymo said, “I want him to leave me alone … I never tied ti fuck anybody’s wife, everybody seem ti be bating theirs.”