Daddy Freeze attacks Pastor David Ibiyeomie for misleading his congregation

Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze has attacked Pastor David Ibiyeomie, the General Overseer of Salvation Ministries, for prophesying that the enemies of members of his church will die this week.

According to Daddy Freeze, such prayers do not go in line with the scriptures, therefore, no true man of God should make such prayers.

READ ALSO: Daddy Freeze reacts as RCCG pastor heals Lepers

In his sermon, Pastor David said;
“Listen, by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, anyone after you goes this week, anyone after your life goes this week. Anyone after your life dies this week in the name of Jesus.”

Reacting to this, Daddy Freeze, lashed out at the Port Harcourt based pastor, asking him to repent for deceiving his congregation.

Daddy Freeze wrote;
Pastor David Ibiyeomie, that gospel you just preached, I want to ask you, where did you get it from in the scriptures? By the anointing of which of the Holy Ghost? I want to ask you today, where in the scripture did you get it from? Is it from the word of Christ?
“If what you said is not in the scripture, I will ask you to repent. Preach the truth, I beg you.”