Davido bags endorsement deal with Wema bank, receives brand new car (Photos)

Music maestro, David Adeleke, better known as Davido has secured a mouth-watering ambassadorial deal with the finance company, Wema bank.

Davido bags endorsement deal with Wema bank, receives brand new car (Photos)

Recall that Davido drew the attention of the bank to himself after netting millions of naira within hours in a new account he created with the bank.

As we all know, Davido successfully accumulated a total sum of 200 million naira from fans and fellow celebrities after posting his account details online and subsequently urging people to send him cash; all of which he donated with an additional sum of N50M from his personal funds to orphanages.

In a recent development, taking to his Snapchat handle, the singer shared photos of his endorsement deal with the bank while notifying the public that the deal was accompanied by a befitting whip.

See photos from the endorsement process below: