“If Christ were to visit Dubai today, he would more likely stay in Hushpuppi ‘s house than in Oyedepo’s” – Daddy Freeze

Daddy Freeze is of the opinion that, were Jesus Christ to take flesh again and visit earth, he will rather stay in Hushpuppi’s house than be Bishop David Oyedepo’s guest.

The OAP said this while responding to a follower who questioned why he was promoting flamboyant Hushpuppi without questioning his source of income.

Daddy Freeze shared a video of an interview he did showcasing Hushpuppi’s luxury Versace home and Twitter users called him out for it.

One Twitter user wrote to Freeze: “Your video quizzed #hushpuppi about his religion & belief but never asked what someone that drives Ferrari & other fleet of cars & a Versace furnished house does for a living. hile promoting ostentatious lifestyle,you should be asking how these lifestyle are funded. #Mompha”

And Freeze responded on Twitter, writing: “Dear concerned man, can you kindly DM me your BVN so I can run checks on you? If you come out clean I’ll answer your question about Hushpuppi. Awaiting your BVN sir.”

He then took the conversation to Instagram where he said what he does is to attack those who “rob the poor with the Bible”. He added that he attacks “the wrongful and deceitful use of scriptures and doctrines, not personal issues, as none of us is truly righteous, not even your GOs, we are all struggling with one sin or the other.”

He went on to add how Christ saw “all the righteous people in the Jericho, yet decided to stay at the house of a sinful tax collector like Zacchaeus.”

He continued: “If Christ were to visit dubai today, he would more likely stay in @hushpuppi ‘s house than in Oyedepo’s. Unless of course we have another set of scriptures apart from the gospel that we now abide by.”

Read his full post below.